PIP Payment Stopped for UK Seniors: 20% Reassessed Claimants Lost Their PIP Pension

Ritu Lamba
Ritu Lamba
PIP Payment Stopped for UK Seniors

Here is all you need to know about the PIP Payment Stopped for UK Seniors: 20% Reassessed Claimants Lost Their PIP Pension. The DWP has issued a notice that could stop if the recipient does not report certain changes in their circumstances. Continue reading the article until the end to collect the most accurate information on the PIP Payment Stoppage.

PIP Payment Stopped for UK Seniors

PIP is financial aid provided to individuals who are grappling to perform certain regular tasks due to severe medical conditions. How much one can do depends on how chronic the condition is and how much it impacts one’s daily life. We would like to inform you that the DWP has ceased the PIP for around 220,000 claimants after an evaluation.

The DWP constantly checks the claimant’s medical condition to see whether it has improved or remained the same. The evaluation typically occurs if the individual notifies the Authority regarding the changes in the situation at the conclusion of the payment period. The DWP guidelines also state that both PIP component payments will be terminated for 28 days if the claimants are shifted to the National Health Service Hospitals.

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  1. Child Benefit Payments
  2. Cost of Living Payment
  3. Housing Benefit Dates
  4. Benefit Payment Dates
  5. Worker Benefit Payment

20% Reassessed Claimants Lost Their PIP Pension

The DWP in the UK has decided to stop PIP for 220,000 recipients. This decision came after five years of review, from February 2019 to January 2024. The Authority found that 20% of the claims they checked no longer met the requirements for the PIP because their health conditions had been improved.

PIP Payment Stopped for UK Seniors

However, if you have decided to leave the country for more than four weeks, you must inform the DWP. This is crucial because leaving the nation can affect the claims entitlement to the PIP. In case you are admitted to the hospital when your PIP enrollment begins, you will not get the PIP payment until you are discharged.

PIP Payments Latest Updates For UK Seniors

According to the reports publicised by the DWP, the PIP rates remained unchanged in around 52% of cases, whereas the payment was seen to hike in 19% of cases. In the rest, 8% of cases, the claimants were permitted to obtain the PIP payments but at lower rates. Changes like a new name, health professional, doctor, or address do not need to be repeated and will not affect the PIP payments.

Individuals affected can challenge the DWP’s decision by requesting reassessments for their PIP and providing valid evidence to prove their health conditions are still worse. Often, PIP is ceased for recipients who have reported a change in their health conditions when their benefits period is about to end.

Here Is All You Need To Know About PIP Payments

Hospital stays are considered connected if there are no more than 28 days between them. Similarly, the Daily living component of the PIP for care home resident stops after 28 days if their care home costs are covered through public or local funds, whereas the mobility component continues to be paid.

Medical reports and assessments by the healthcare professionals are reviewed during the reassessment. It was found that over 200,000 individuals had improved health and no longer qualified for the PIP benefits. While those who still have significant daily challenges due to their health continue to receive the PIP support.

Important Links

  1. Child Benefit Payments
  2. Cost of Living Payment
  3. Housing Benefit Dates
  4. Benefit Payment Dates
  5. Worker Benefit Payment

All We Know

The claimant needs to inform the DWP of the dates they are leaving the country, how long they are taking a break, which country they are visiting, and the reason behind their trip. In addition to that, if PIP recipients are planning an extended holiday abroad, be sure to contact the Department for Work and Pension.

It is important to note that this rule does not apply to privately aided patients, who can continue to receive both elements of the PIP. Apart from all these, thousands of senior women have been underpaid due to an error by the Department for Work and Pension.

It is estimated that the WASPI Compensation amount and eligibility will be published once the country’s general election is concluded. To get more detailed information on compensation, you can review our other articles using the link shared below.

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Ritu Lamba is an expert in Social Welfare and Finance Assistance. She is the newest member of SMT team but have 4 years of experience in Public Finance and Welfare.
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